Fools are Wiser

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Seeker on the Path.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Nuh (as)

The second session of the summer camp's theme is "Nuh (as) and the Ark".

So Shaykh Irfan related the incident of Nuh (as) and taught us a few points:

1. Nuh (as) gave dawah for 950 years and a little under 100 people followed him. The first point to remember is patience. He also corrected the erroneous notion that Nuh (as) lived only 950 years. He stated that Nuh (as) recieved the prophethood at the age of 40 and then gave dawah for 950 years and then lived an addition 60 years after the flood, so that gives a total of 1050 years.

2. The second lesson to be learned is to obey your Prophet. Nuh (as) gave dawah for such a long time, but very few people heeded his call, so in the end, he made dua to Allah (swt) to destroy these people and Allah granted him. We should obey the Prophets because if we don't, then similar calamaties may befall us. May Allah (swt) guide us to the straight path.