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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Literalism is Illiteracy II

As he gave an addres from the pulpit, 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, God be pleased with him, was interrupted by a number of Kharijites, or dissenters, who said, "There is no rule but the rule of God." 'Ali, may God be pleased with him, responded: "A truth, misinterpreted to support a falsehood. There are three things we owe you: not to keep you from mentioning the name of the Lord in the Lord's mosques, not to initiate a war against you, and not to deprive you of your share of fay' so long as you stick with us."


Blogger sheilaX said...


According to the account of Imam Abu Hanifa written by Muhammad Abu Zahra, the Kharajites used to shout this in the faces of people who disagreed with them.

July 31, 2006 at 11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Salamu alaykum,

I needed to post a request for our brothers and sisters and found this website as one of the suitable one insha Allah, but dear brother/sister, pls dont get offended for my post/comment. I am in desperate need of financial help for Ilmsummit, and if you could post this request for me or help in spreading the word, I pray that Allah SWT bestows you and all those who help this program a reality, with the best of both worlds.Aamen.

I dont know if I will be in US for how long until we return to India, hence I am trying to use this opportunity to learn the best from the best insha Allah. Pls support my cause of reaching the IlmSummit program. Pls visit for more info. Pls help spread the word and raise funds, JZK.

June 16, 2009 at 1:50 PM  

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