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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Shaykh Uthman Dan Fodio on the Ashari aqeedah

The purpose of this thread is to refute the claims of a certain group that the Ashari (and Maturidi) aqeedah is an aqeedah based on innovation. The rational proofs utilized in these two schools of thought are based on ayat of the Quran and Hadeeth.

The following is an excerpt from Chapter Four of "The Revival of the Sunnah and the Destruction of Satanic Innovation". This chapter is entitled "On the Explanation of the Path of the Muhammadan Sunna concerning Iman and an Explanation of What hte People have Invented in it of Satanic Innovation."

Divinity ('ilahiyyaat):

Allah ta'ala has established the creation of the universe by his words, "Allah is the Creator of everything". He has established that His existence is necessary (waajib 'l-wujuud) by His words, "Is there any doubt that Allah is the Originator of the heavens and the earth?" He has established that His existence is pre-existent before time (qadeem) by His words, "He is the first." He has established that His existence is eternally continuous after time (baaqi) by His words, "And rely upon the Living who will never die." He has established that His existence is unlike in-time creation (mukhaalif li'l -khalqih) by His words, "There is nothing like Him." He has established that His existence is independent (ghaniy) by His words, "Allah is the independently rich." He has established that His existence is One (waahid) by His words, "Say: He Allah is one." He has established that His existence is omnipotent (qaadir) by His words, "Verily Allah has power over all things." He has established that He is willing (mureed) by His words, "He does whatever He wills." He has established that he knowing ('Aalim) by His words "Verily Allah has knowledge of all things." He has established that He is living (hayy) by His words, "He is the Living." He has established that He is hearing (sami'u) and seeing (baseer) by His words, "I hear and see." He has established that He is speaking (mutakallam) by His words, "Allah spoke directly to Musa." He has established that He has complete choice (mukhtaar) in doing a thing and leaving it undone by His words, "And your Lord creates what He wills and He chooses."

1. This proves that the universe did not come into existence by itself or by anything other than Allah ta'ala.
2. This proves that non-existence ('adam) is impossible to Him.
3. This proves that coming forth in time (huduuth) is impossible to Him.
4. This proves that extinction (fanaa') is impossible to Him.
5. This proves that resemblance to creation (mamaathala) is impossible to Him.
6. This proves that being in need (iftiqaar) is impossible to Him.
7. This proves that plurality (ta'addad) is impossible to Him.
8. This proves that incapacity ('ajz) is impossible to Him.
9. This proves that being compelled (mukrah) is impossible to Him.
10. This proves that ignorance (jahl) is imposible to Him.
11. This proves that death (mawt) is impossible to Him.
12. This proves that deafness (samam) and blindness ('amaa) is impossible to Him.
13. This proves that dumbness (bakam) is impossible to Him.
14. This proves that being obligated (muujib) is impossible to Him.


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