Imam Nawawi and Sufism
"The Rules of the Sufi Way"
7.1 The basic rules of the way of Sufism (def: 8.11) are five: 1. having godfearingness privately and publicly, 2. living according to the sunna in word and deed, 3. indifferences to whether others accept or reject one, 4. satisfaction with Allah Most High in scarcity and plenty, and 5. turning to Allah in happiness or affliction.
1. Godfearingness is attained by scrupulousness and uprightness;
2. Following the sunna is attained through caution and good character;
3. Indifference to other's acceptance or rejection is attained through patience and trust in Allah;
4. Satisfaction with Allah is attained through contentment with what one has and submission to the will of Allah;
5. Turning to Allah Most High is attained by gratitude to Him in happiness and taking refuge in Him in affliction.
The Foundations of the Rules
7.2 The foundatiosn of all of thse consists of five things 1. high aspiration, 2. keeping Allah's reverence, 3. giving the best of service, 4. keeping one's spiritual resolves, and 5. esteeming Allah's blessings.
1. Whoever's aspiration is high, his rank rises;
2. Whoever reveres Allah, Allah maintains his respect;
3. Whoever's service is goodly is necesarily shown generosity;
4. Whoever keeps his spiritual resolves continues to have guidance;
5. Whoever esteems Allah's blessings will be grateful for them, and whoever is grateful for them will necessarily see them increased.
The Signs of Sufism
7.3 The principles of Sufism' ssigns on a person are also five: 1. seeking Sacred Knowledge in order to perform Allah's command; 2. Keeping the company of sheikhs and fellow disciplines in order to see with insight; 3. forgoing both dispensatiosn from religious obligations and figurative interpretations of scripture, for the sake of cautiousness; 4. organizing one's time with spiritual works to maintain presence of heart; and 5. suspecting the self in all matters, in order to free oneself from caprice and be safe from destruction.
1. Seeking Sacred Knowledge is vitiated by keeping the company of juveniles, whether in age, mentality, or religion, who do nto refer from guidance to a firm principal or rule;
2. Keeping the company of sheikhs and disciples is vitiated by self-deception and concern with the unimportant.
3. Leaving dispensations and figurative interpretations is vitiated by leniency toward the self;
4. Organizing one's time with spiritual works is vitiated yb looking for more and more supererogatory worship.
5. Suspecing the self is vitiated by satisfaction at its goodliness and uprightness.
Curing the ego.
7.4 The principles of curing the ego are also five: 1 lightening the stomach by diminishin one's food and drink; 2. taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls; 3. shunning situations involving what one fears to fall victim to; 4. continually asking Allah's forgiveness (istighfar) and His blessings upon the Prophet (saw) night and day with full presence of mind; and 5. keeping the company of him who guides one to Allah."
p 95 - 97 of "Al Maqasid"
"The Rules of the Sufi Way"
7.1 The basic rules of the way of Sufism (def: 8.11) are five: 1. having godfearingness privately and publicly, 2. living according to the sunna in word and deed, 3. indifferences to whether others accept or reject one, 4. satisfaction with Allah Most High in scarcity and plenty, and 5. turning to Allah in happiness or affliction.
1. Godfearingness is attained by scrupulousness and uprightness;
2. Following the sunna is attained through caution and good character;
3. Indifference to other's acceptance or rejection is attained through patience and trust in Allah;
4. Satisfaction with Allah is attained through contentment with what one has and submission to the will of Allah;
5. Turning to Allah Most High is attained by gratitude to Him in happiness and taking refuge in Him in affliction.
The Foundations of the Rules
7.2 The foundatiosn of all of thse consists of five things 1. high aspiration, 2. keeping Allah's reverence, 3. giving the best of service, 4. keeping one's spiritual resolves, and 5. esteeming Allah's blessings.
1. Whoever's aspiration is high, his rank rises;
2. Whoever reveres Allah, Allah maintains his respect;
3. Whoever's service is goodly is necesarily shown generosity;
4. Whoever keeps his spiritual resolves continues to have guidance;
5. Whoever esteems Allah's blessings will be grateful for them, and whoever is grateful for them will necessarily see them increased.
The Signs of Sufism
7.3 The principles of Sufism' ssigns on a person are also five: 1. seeking Sacred Knowledge in order to perform Allah's command; 2. Keeping the company of sheikhs and fellow disciplines in order to see with insight; 3. forgoing both dispensatiosn from religious obligations and figurative interpretations of scripture, for the sake of cautiousness; 4. organizing one's time with spiritual works to maintain presence of heart; and 5. suspecting the self in all matters, in order to free oneself from caprice and be safe from destruction.
1. Seeking Sacred Knowledge is vitiated by keeping the company of juveniles, whether in age, mentality, or religion, who do nto refer from guidance to a firm principal or rule;
2. Keeping the company of sheikhs and disciples is vitiated by self-deception and concern with the unimportant.
3. Leaving dispensations and figurative interpretations is vitiated by leniency toward the self;
4. Organizing one's time with spiritual works is vitiated yb looking for more and more supererogatory worship.
5. Suspecing the self is vitiated by satisfaction at its goodliness and uprightness.
Curing the ego.
7.4 The principles of curing the ego are also five: 1 lightening the stomach by diminishin one's food and drink; 2. taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls; 3. shunning situations involving what one fears to fall victim to; 4. continually asking Allah's forgiveness (istighfar) and His blessings upon the Prophet (saw) night and day with full presence of mind; and 5. keeping the company of him who guides one to Allah."
p 95 - 97 of "Al Maqasid"